Mobility and City
Transportation infrastructure like flyovers, elevated expressways, bridges, highways are built to perform a certain role in a city. But in the post construction phase, as they are put into an already existing system of urban networks, the under-infrastructure space and infra elements continue to evolve into interesting usages by common people. Transportation infrastructure continues being utilized as an urban element, beyond their intended function in many cases.
- Is there a need to revive the Dead Spaces Under Elevated Structures?
- What are underspaces of flyovers used for?
- Do you/cities adapt with flyovers or flyovers adapt with you/cities?
- Are modern urban landscapes transformed by infrastructures ?
- How do you think these spaces under the flyover can be transformed?
To get answers to these and much more, join the symposium where professionals from various fields, researchers, policy makers and students come together to understand the city and mobility.
The international symposium is a dialogue between policymakers, architects, academicians , researchers, and common people (users) where they come together and discuss the policies about transport infrastructure, its neo urban impact, their perspective while also showcasing their infra projects.
International Symposium PLAN
4 hours digital conference divided into 5 parts.
1. Governance Segment : Policies, Frameworks and ProjectsÂ
R K Pandey, Member National Highways Authority of India – India
Shihab Amin Mostafa, National Consultant – Bangladesh
2. Researchers Segment : Infrastructure and speculative urbanismÂ
Leon Felipe Tellez Contreras, ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow,University of Sheffield – UK
Qiwei Peng, Doctoral student, The University of Manchester – UK
Dr Debapriya Chakrabarti, ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow, The University of Manchester – UK
Srijon Barua, Research fellow, Kyoto University – Japan
Demetra Kourri, Faculty of Architecture in the University of Manchester – UK
3. Professional Segment : Infrastructural Reality and AdaptationÂ
Masud shammo, Chief architect of Bhumijo Consultant – Bangladesh
Dr Deljana Iossifova,Professor of Architecture & Urban Studies, Manchester Urban Institute – UK
Steffen Nijhuis, Professor of Landscape Architecture at Delft University of Technology – Netherlands
Masashi Sogabe, Architect & Professor at Kanagawa University, Japan.
Nobuharu Suzuki, Urban Designer & Dean Professor, Yokohama City University
4. Questionnaire survey to audience & Bridging The Gap by panel discussion
 between all the 3 stakeholders including policy makers, professionals and Researchers.
5. Discussion segment with the participants.
For more details about the event and speakers Click Here