How Vastukul Works?


Take your digital school with you wherever you go, access content from anywhere with the feature of download and save offline

Created by Nithinan Tatah from the Noun Project

Collaborate with

Discuss and connect with other professionals, practitioners, learners and organisations for better future opportunities and guidance.

Share Your Experiences
and Knowledge​

Become an instructor or learner and share the skills of entrepreneurship and innovation in architecture, design, and planning.

Certificate of
Achievement ​

After passing the course you will get a certificate of achievement with the valid credentials.

Become a Mentor and
Get Mentorship

Keep yourself up to date by signing up as a mentor.Register yourself as a learner, choose your topic of interest in which you want to get a mentorship session.


Courses with the features of writing reviews, discussion board, eBooks with experimental exercises and quick responses from the instructors as a part of learning.

Learn from the
Global Leaders

Experiential and Technical Learning from the best professionals & practitioners across the globe.


Customize the specializations and learn according to your schedules and availability, anytime from anywhere.

Become a Mentor and Get Mentorship

Register yourself as a mentor and guide others in their process of learning. As a learner, register yourself, choose your topic of interest in which you want to get a mentorship session.


Courses with the features of writing reviews, discussion board, eBooks with experimental exercises and quick responses from the instructors as a part of learning.